“A real leader faces the music even when he doesn’t like the tune.” – Arnold H. Glasgow
Peak Harvest Coaching utilizes many profiles to aid our clients in their individual and corporate leadership development, and the following is a list and detailed description of the assessments we use.
DiSC: The DISC Profile provides a comprehensive overview of the way people think, act, and interact. It is the most widely used profiling tool of its kind and is supported by decades of validation and reliability studies.
FIRO-B: Built on the 50-year history and reliability of the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations OrientationTM (FIRO®) model, the FIRO® assessments help people understand their behavior—and that of others—in interpersonal situations.
Hogan Lead Series: Hogan uses the powerful science of personality assessment to help you hire the right people, develop talented employees, build great leaders, and impact the bottom line.
DiSC Team Dimension Assessments: This profile helps people understand their roles on a team, introduces a process that gets new teams moving forward quickly and gets current teams unstuck.
360°Assessments: We offer several 360° assessments:
- CCL Benchmarks is a comprehensive 360° assessment for middle to upper-level managers that measures 16 competencies critical for success, as well as five possible career derailers.
- John Maxwell The 360° Leader Comprehensive Assessment is a powerful developmental tool that allows leaders at all levels of the organization to expand their influence, achieve peak leadership performance, and become invaluable members of the organization’s leadership team.
- RightPath LQ360º is an essential leadership tool. By measuring researched leadership attributes, our LQ assessment helps leaders improve their LQ (Leadership Intelligence) in order to become a Three-Dimensional Leader as they map data directly to leadership development.

Peak Harvest Coaching is certified and trained to do the Everything DISC Workplace Profile. The DISC model is a tool that has been helping people to connect better for over thirty years. This report uses your individual assessment data to provide a wealth of information about your workplace priorities and preferences. In addition, you’ll learn how to connect better with colleagues whose priorities and preferences differ from yours.
- CCL Benchmarks is a comprehensive 360° assessment for middle to upper-level managers that measures 16 competencies critical for success, as well as five possible career derailers.
- Gain insights into your own behavior and that of others.
- Understand and appreciate the styles of the people you work with.
- Learn how to communicate and persuade more effectively.
- Create strategies for overcoming challenges when working with people of different DiSC® styles.