What Is Executive Coaching?
You’ve heard the term before, at least in the corporate world. But what exactly is Executive Coaching?
What do you think of when you hear the word “Coach”? It is most commonly used in the world of sports. No matter what sport an athlete competes in, or at what level, the athlete has a coach. Why? Simply put, a coach trains an athlete beyond the level he or she could achieve alone. The same is true for Executive Coaching. If you want your business to grow beyond even your expectations, then you need a Coach to walk along side of you encouraging you each step of the way.
What Is Executive Coaching?
It has become a buzz word in the corporate world, but what exactly is “Executive Coaching?”
To answer that question and to describe what an Executive Coach does, let’s first look at a more traditional coach. Think of your favorite athlete. No matter what sport that athlete competes in, or at what level, that athlete will have a coach. Why? Simply put, a coach has the ability to propel the athlete beyond the level he or she could achieve alone. How is that possible?

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