“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” ~Peter F. Drucker

Strategic planning is essential not only for individual growth but also for company growth. During an initial meeting with a client four years ago, he was asked the following question: “What will your business look like in five years?” He replied “I don’t know – I haven’t thought about it.”

From there, we began strategically planning. We initially met one-on-one, developing a long range strategy for growth, a succession plan and a buy/sell strategy to sell his business to his Senior Vice President. We then included the senior leadership in meetings in order to develop a sales growth strategy, long range capital equipment investments, new technology investments, marketing initiatives, and long term leadership development.

Peak Harvest Coaching continues to meet with the owner monthly, and we also meet every quarter with the owner and his senior leadership team to develop quarterly goals and initiatives and to assign responsibility for each goal.

Strategic planning is essential to moving forward – not only in your life but also in your company’s life. Let Peak Harvest Coaching help you develop a Strategic Plan for you business and key leaders.